Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A little background

So, here we are.   Packers came yesterday.  I am surrounded by boxes.   We have said "good-bye for now" to almost everyone.   There are scraps of food in the house.  I have watered the garden, and packed my bags. 

To those of you who didn't even know we were going, or why: here is the scoop:  John has been looking for another job for a few years now.  I had kinda stopped paying attention to this as it had been a few years and we were still in N.O.  But in mid-December he says, "So what do you think about Sweden?".  My response was, "Sweden?!  What?"  So on the 12/20 he Sype interviewed and by 1/2 we were in Lund for his second interview.  And so, after months of thinning out all our accumulated treasures (and junk: like the instruction sheet John found from his first job describing how to fill out a dental claim), and sorting what was left, off we go.

Bed linens to wash....


  1. A. You and John will make the most of your adventure and we will live vicariously through you and...
    B. I really don't think you will have trouble making friends. We love you, why wouldn't the Swedes!

  2. Carolyn-

    I remember you "dividing your possessions" among your children in case of a tragedy many years back. Did you end up having to revise all that? Haha....


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