I know, I know. You are thinking, "Why in the world is she writing about bed-making? How different can bed-making be?" I would have thought the same thing. After all, I know how to make a bed. I am a nurse. Not only was bed-making part of my education, but as a nurse educator, I have taught others how to make beds. But, like so many things, this is different here. Thus this post.
First of all - the beds themselves are different.
There are not box springs and mattresses. The top mattress has the feel of condensed cotton batting, similar to a futon. I thought it was pretty comfortable, but my husband definitely prefers the good ol' American box spring and coil mattress.
And now the bed making.
First of all, there is no fitted sheets to cover the shallow mattress. Swedes use a flat sheet for that. And that is the only flat sheet used. That is, Swedes don't use a top sheet!!! I know! Also, in a shared bed, each person gets their own quilt. I don't know why, but there you go.
Is this all earth shaking? Obviously not. But still, I wouldn't have thought if it. Thus the post!